<body> Peaceful Beach <body>
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

BPOS ROX (edited effects) Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:52 PM

BPOS GRP!!!!! ^.^v Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:49 PM

that's me me... hehe.. Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:48 PM

teck whee, david, lucas, won best poster design award!! congrats Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:47 PM

step,eliz,sri Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:45 PM

team big black bear Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:44 PM

 Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:43 PM

 Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:42 PM

mobile team Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:42 PM

SU exco team Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:41 PM

A team Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:41 PM

dreamland... qianyun caught sleeping while on duty!! Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:41 PM

GOH - Mr.Neo Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:39 PM

our chairman!! mr neo! (edited effects) Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:37 PM

ENTRANCE!! welcome to paradise hotel.. =x Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:34 PM

NO smoking in sports hall pls.. Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:34 PM

registration booth Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:33 PM

our MC for the day Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:32 PM

wei qi... (chess) Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 7:31 PM

Friday, December 23, 2005

clement chasing the ball.. Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 9:43 PM

wei ming.. qian yun.. hahas Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 9:42 PM

kaiway cheating!!! wahahas Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 9:39 PM

its a bird, its a plane.. its superman!? noo.. its paper in the sky.. hahahas Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 9:39 PM

Mr Guru n Ying shya.. Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 9:38 PM

vampire on the way.. keep out!! Posted by Picasa

I went off @ 9:37 PM